Encounters with Police: A Black Man’s Guide to Survival
By Eric C. Broyles and Adrian O. Jackson

This book is intended to provide a practical guide for black
men and boys on how to react when they encounter police
in any setting in order to keep the interaction peaceful
so that everyone leaves the encounter safely.
Eric C. Broyles is a Washington, DC based attorney and entrepreneur. Eric has been on both sides of the law as a juvenile delinquent in his hometown and as a lawyer at a large prestigious law firm, at AOL, Inc. and AOL Time Warner, Inc. He is passionate about sharing his wisdom and insights with youth and particularly those who like himself during his youth may believe that the odds are against them.
Adrian Jackson is a 25 year veteran of an Ohio police department. He has been a Patrolman for his entire career working in some of the roughest parts of town. Adrian is also committed to helping youth and young people to achieve their fullest potential and that commitment is demonstrated through the many positive relationships he has in his community including with people he has previously arrested.
Below are two of the many reviews on Amazon.com.
By Mike H on January 21, 2015
I just finished this book and was really glad I read it. Eric Broyles and Adrian Jackson address a topic that is of paramount importance today – police encounters. The authors call on their highly relevant knowledge and experiences to provide practical tips on interacting effectively with the police. The book is easy to understand and is a quick read. I’d recommend it to anyone.
By nitram ailhad on January 31, 2015
The contents of this book has changed the way I look at the actions of law enforcement. I now know my rights if I am stopped by an officer. Especially at nights. A simple thing as turning on my overhead lights wouldn’t have crossed my mind. Asking for permission to get my license/docs from my pocketbook would have been the furthest thought from my mind. A cop asks for docs, I automatically reach for my pocketbook or the glove compartment. Before reading this book I took so much for granted or was just plain unaware.Not only should every black male read this book. It should be read by everyone. The language is simple and to the point. Informative. Two hours of your time reading this book could make a difference in your life… By the way, I am female.