Please complete the attached Civil Rights & Discrimination Complaint form to assist the Branch’s Legal Redress and/or Executive Committee(s) in determining whether the NAACP Media Area Branch may be able to assist you with your complaint. You are encouraged to provide copies of all supporting documentation that pertains to your complaint.
Completion of this form does not constitute filing an official complaint with a legal authority, such as filing a lawsuit or a complaint with a governmental agency. Nor does completing this form establish an attorney-client relationship between the NAACP Media Area Branch and the complainant. Our committee members are volunteers, often without legal backgrounds or experience.
We will investigate all complaints of discrimination that took place within our jurisdiction and can provide non-legal support to complainants (resources, guidance, help writing emails or letters, attendance at meetings, etc.).
Download the NAACP Civil Rights & Discrimination Complaint Form
Thank you for contacting the NAACP, Media Area Branch. Your activism
and support is greatly appreciated.
Varma Mitchell, President
Media Area Branch NAACP