Criminal Justice
Committee Chair
To inquire about how to join this committee, contact [email protected]
Working on the Criminal Justice Committee
Meetings: We meet as needed, usually after hours on weekdays (e.g., 6:00pm or 7:00pm) via Zoom or conference call
Estimated Time Commitment: Approximately 1-3 hours per month.
Who We’re Looking for: Persons with excellent communication and research skills and does not require a criminal justice certification, degree or work experience but helpful
Activities: Investigating and researching programs and issues that may disproportionately affect minority community that are incarcerated or have been incarcerated including harsh and unfair sentencing, restoration of voter rights as well as being a support system for crime victim survivors
Benefits of Working with Us: An opportunity to be fight for all those affected by the inadequacies of our criminal justice system in this country incarcerated, formerly incarcerated and victims of crime.
Disclaimer: No individual committee member may present themselves as a spokesperson of the branch without permission by the president. The Criminal Justice committee shall not give legal advice.